(2016), 88’ min

‘DISTANT  SONS’ – watch the whole film at dafilms.com »

„Ferne Söhne“ (Distant Sons) is the story of six young refugees who have started a new life in Germany. As children they were driven from their families and their homeland by misery and violence. After their arrival in Aachen (Germany) they are accommodated as “orphans” in youth homes.

They float between worlds: on the one hand the memories of their childhood, their families, the traumatic escape and on the other hand their dreams of a future in Germany. Like other young people, they go to school or apprenticeships, do sports and spend time with friends.

The film accompanies the protagonists in their everyday lives. The camera shows excerpts from their “new” life in calm black and white images. Through their stories, the viewer delves into the complex inner life of the protagonists. The film opens up closed emotional spaces, gives space to thoughts about what is experienced and allows the viewer a glimpse into the future of the young people.

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